One of the great things about spring skiing in Little Cottonwood is the light, smells, and space that pervades the senses. Because the temps are up, even though the snow is still flying, people find creative ways to enjoy the mountain. The typical example are the snakes that appear at Alta and Snowbird, usually in Ballroom and Shireen (just off the Road to Provo cat track).

However, your correspondent’s favorite playground terrain is the ridge that separates Shireen from Mark Malu Fork where the exhibitionists of spring tend to gather to demonstrate their aerial skills and basically have a great time. It’s not marked on Snowbird trail maps but does have a name: The Wave.

Launching off Road to Provo, groups tend to line up and wait their turn while friends and curious onlookers alike setup to capture the old adage, “If it’s not on film it didn’t happen.” This week while Canyon Blog joined the action (with feet securely on the snow) there was a drone pilot shooting as well.

It’s a perfect blend of a smooth and steep approach, with a great launch angle for clearing the ridge, followed by a steep landing. All of which makes for an alluring opportunity for experts to show off and those less experienced to try that first helicopter or backflip.

During the couple laps when Canyon Blog stopped to catch the action he witnessed various degrees of acrobatic prowess from failure to launch to sticking a flawless double.

So, grab your boards and board shorts, hop a flight to SLC, rent a property and join the wave. Surf’s up!