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All dogs may get into heaven, but only a select few get into Snowbird

Canyon Blog spent a cold afternoon with Snowbird’s most recent addition to the ranks of certified avalanche dogs, Tony. Okay, and his handler, Paul S. Tony turns two in April and has already attained his Level B certification, the first step for any avi dog, and soon to be Level A, fully qualified to respond anywhere in the state of Utah. A black lab, he’s the heir apparent to Frankie, Snowbird’s long-standing champion black lab and soon to retire to the good life. Paul has served on ski patrol for eight years, having survived the world of finance and ditching [...]

2025-02-10T00:33:13+00:00Outdoors, Winter|

Silence and Snow

One of the great experiences of being in Little Cottonwood Canyon is the opportunity to stop. Not for a bite or beer between runs. And not après ski, per say. What your correspondent is referring to is the opportunity to merely be in the canyon and feel its presence. That only really happens once you aren’t focusing on some task at hand like loading a chair or gearing up. In the evenings and mornings there’s a silence in the canyon. Sure, there may be four thousand skiers split between Alta and Snowbird between 10 and 2, but outside that window [...]

2025-01-18T02:08:34+00:00Outdoors, Winter|

May the light shine through (with a sprinkling of flakes)

Well, your correspondent’s investigative journalistic responsibilities include unpolished headlines. So, here’s this month’s: The snow is thin. There’s no denying it. All is not lost, however. Where one opportunity evaporates, another appears. This holiday season’s snowpack means the mountains are empty. Both Alta and Snowbird are spinning most of their lifts so the terrain is there. Alta finally opened Supreme, leaving Mineral Basin as the only closed chair fed slopes in the canyon. What that means is no waiting. Parking reservations are in effect at Alta daily (till 1pm) but Snowbird has spaces every day. Fear not, the Shuttle system [...]

2024-12-22T00:39:31+00:00Outdoors, Winter|


November 22nd has landed and departed and it’s great to see the season is underway with Alta’s Collins and Wildcat lifts running before Thanksgiving. Even Alf’s is open for that much needed early season ski leg break for a beer or burger, though you’ll need to rope tow back to the lifts. A first this year was the pre-season upslope availability at Snowbird. Peruvian Gulch was open for skinning and touring followed by that always well-deserved run down. Due to slope prep Gad Valley stayed off limits. Were there shark fins lurking here and there at both resorts? Of course. [...]

2024-11-24T00:16:31+00:00Outdoors, Winter|


Fall is here. The thing about this time of year in Little Cottonwood is the magical sensations it delivers to one’s soul. These can take shape in almost overwhelming moments such as when you’re standing among a grove of 100-foot aspens, their leaves a uniform shade of explosive yellow, all of them shimmering in an eye captivating fashion no matter how slight the breeze. To your blogger that single sound, aspens, is the harbinger of the season’s arrival. Still, other encounters take on a sense of diminishment. The mountain creeks have all run their course for the summer, reduced to [...]

2024-10-01T18:50:32+00:00Fall, Local Flavor, Outdoors|

Snowbird Update

Cool air is finally finding its way up the canyon and across the mountaintops here in Little Cottonwood. September is nearly here and fall is on our doorstep and with that your correspondent has his last summer ski run locked on the last patch of snow below Twin Peaks. With skis already on his back, the temperatures led Canyon Blog to Snowbird mountain operations director Jake Treadwell’s door one sunny morning to get the latest on the resort’s big projects for the summer. A very busy man, he graciously agreed to run this skier around the mountain for a closer [...]

Fun with Junior Bounous Part II (The Pika Perspective)

If you followed last month’s blog you’re now familiar with Junior. If you didn’t, you should read that first because, well, he’s just one of the most interesting ski legends there is and a piece of living history here in Little Cottonwood. Our story picks up where we left off, just below the summit of Hidden Peak and on the mineral side. Standing by the bench dedicated to Junior’s wife Maxine and facing west. There, along the wildflower hiking trail, sits the object of this month’s blog: pikas. If you’re not acquainted with these adorable mammals, be forewarned, they are [...]

Fun with Junior Bounous Part I

Your correspondent recently had the opportunity to fulfill a longtime aspiration when he cornered skiing legend Junior Bounous. If you know who he is there is no need for explanation, but by all means read on because this first installment (of two) is full of fun facts about his life and times here in Little Cottonwood Canyon. Canyon Blog met him on a pleasant July morning at Snowbird’s plaza deck where we’d agreed to take the tram and explore the pika populations around hidden peak and talk about his life. Armed with hiking poles and water and snacks for both [...]

2024-08-06T01:38:46+00:00Local Flavor, Outdoors|

Exploring the Most Scenic Drives in Northern Utah

With 28 scenic byways throughout Utah, there are endless sightseeing possibilities near your Canyon Services vacation rental. Skip the interstate and discover several scenic drives in Utah, easily accessible from the Salt Lake City area. Whether you are flying into Salt Lake City and are looking for routes off the beaten path or are just looking for a unique afternoon outing from our Alta Snowbird condos, we have you covered. Hop on these scenic byways and discover recreational adventures, cultural attractions, and varied landscapes along the way! Little Cottonwood Canyon Scenic Byway Length: 8 miles Book your Canyon Services vacation [...]


Fun Fungi

One of the enjoyable experiences of walking the ridges and exploring the draws of Little Cottonwood Canyon are the small things. For your correspondent that includes the mysteries of those that grow in unlikely corners or those that are easily overlooked. Two of his favorites are variations of fungi that are eye catching but not always readily observable. To find them you have to slow down, look around, and peer at the ground. The first is the tiny fungus caloscypha fulgens but more popularly known by the friendlier snowbank orange peel fungus moniker. It’s clear where the nickname comes from [...]

2024-07-21T17:14:42+00:00Local Flavor, Outdoors|