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Fall is here. The thing about this time of year in Little Cottonwood is the magical sensations it delivers to one’s soul. These can take shape in almost overwhelming moments such as when you’re standing among a grove of 100-foot aspens, their leaves a uniform shade of explosive yellow, all of them shimmering in an eye captivating fashion no matter how slight the breeze. To your blogger that single sound, aspens, is the harbinger of the season’s arrival. Still, other encounters take on a sense of diminishment. The mountain creeks have all run their course for the summer, reduced to [...]

2024-10-01T18:50:32+00:00Fall, Local Flavor, Outdoors|

Fun with Junior Bounous Part II (The Pika Perspective)

If you followed last month’s blog you’re now familiar with Junior. If you didn’t, you should read that first because, well, he’s just one of the most interesting ski legends there is and a piece of living history here in Little Cottonwood. Our story picks up where we left off, just below the summit of Hidden Peak and on the mineral side. Standing by the bench dedicated to Junior’s wife Maxine and facing west. There, along the wildflower hiking trail, sits the object of this month’s blog: pikas. If you’re not acquainted with these adorable mammals, be forewarned, they are [...]

Fun with Junior Bounous Part I

Your correspondent recently had the opportunity to fulfill a longtime aspiration when he cornered skiing legend Junior Bounous. If you know who he is there is no need for explanation, but by all means read on because this first installment (of two) is full of fun facts about his life and times here in Little Cottonwood Canyon. Canyon Blog met him on a pleasant July morning at Snowbird’s plaza deck where we’d agreed to take the tram and explore the pika populations around hidden peak and talk about his life. Armed with hiking poles and water and snacks for both [...]

2024-08-06T01:38:46+00:00Local Flavor, Outdoors|

Fun Fungi

One of the enjoyable experiences of walking the ridges and exploring the draws of Little Cottonwood Canyon are the small things. For your correspondent that includes the mysteries of those that grow in unlikely corners or those that are easily overlooked. Two of his favorites are variations of fungi that are eye catching but not always readily observable. To find them you have to slow down, look around, and peer at the ground. The first is the tiny fungus caloscypha fulgens but more popularly known by the friendlier snowbank orange peel fungus moniker. It’s clear where the nickname comes from [...]

2024-07-21T17:14:42+00:00Local Flavor, Outdoors|

Happenings at Snowbird

Well, the chairs may have stopped spinning, but the season isn’t over. Though to be fair, your correspondent is one of only a handful of holdouts still making turns. To that end, here are a few shots from his daily boot pack up Dalton’s Draw. The remnants of the season are not the topic of this month’s installment, however. Canyon Blog stopped by to chat with Dave Fields, Snowbird general manager, to get the latest on the mountain since it’s clear they have plans. First is the replacement for the Mid Gad restaurant. “We’re really excited about the new dining [...]

Surfin’ the Wave at Snowbird

One of the great things about spring skiing in Little Cottonwood is the light, smells, and space that pervades the senses. Because the temps are up, even though the snow is still flying, people find creative ways to enjoy the mountain. The typical example are the snakes that appear at Alta and Snowbird, usually in Ballroom and Shireen (just off the Road to Provo cat track). However, your correspondent’s favorite playground terrain is the ridge that separates Shireen from Mark Malu Fork where the exhibitionists of spring tend to gather to demonstrate their aerial skills and basically have a great [...]

2024-04-05T01:24:24+00:00Local Flavor, Outdoors|

Wrestlemania Revisited

March 7th saw the return of the 6th annual Alta Women’s world championship arm wrestling competition. It was some time since your correspondent attended the event and there were a couple gaps with Covid, but this year’s competition saw the crowds and wrestlers return in force. Alta Community Enrichment, helmed by the ever energetic and capable Lil Sara, hosted the competition at Our Lady of the Snows as always. To ensure a compliant crowd Alta local chalet resident Coe (pronounced Co -E) prowled the ring armed with billy club and cuffs. Canyon Blog tracked down last year’s champion; Sandra D [...]

Refuel on the Slopes: Alta Restaurant Guide

As you ride the epic slopes of the Alta Ski Area, you are sure to work up an appetite. Luckily, several Alta restaurants are available right on the mountain, so you can easily refuel on the slopes. Whether you are looking for a hearty breakfast restaurant to start the day or a mid-day cup of coffee to keep you energized, there is something for everyone. Stay with Canyon Services and access the Alta Ski Area and eateries just minutes from your Alta vacation rental: Alta Ski Area Restaurants: On-Mountain Alf’s Restaurant Alf’s Restaurant is the perfect place to take a [...]

2024-03-06T21:50:46+00:00Local Flavor, Winter|

Secret Weapon Morning Buns

This month your correspondent has elected to share some confidential ski performance information guaranteed to exponentially improve your skiing or boarding regardless of your skill level or conditions on the mountain. Just what could accomplish improvement on such a scale without fail you wonder? The answer is contained in two simple life altering words: morning buns. And just what are these? Canyon Blog wasn’t exactly sure, other than that whenever they’re on offer at Baked and Brewed in Snowbird Plaza he doesn’t pass up the opportunity to secure one. So, in order to answer the question, he sought out Jessica [...]

2024-02-09T01:36:01+00:00Local Flavor|

Hidden Peak’s hidden purpose

Riding the tram at Snowbird and pouring out onto the summit with your skis in hand and powder turns in mind it’s easy to miss just what’s around us. When you next step through those new doors take a moment and look up before you clear the gates. There, between the tram wheels you’ll see a number of instruments and antennae on top on the west side. To help make sense of some of those items Canyon Blog tracked down Dr. Maria Garcia from the University of Utah’s Atmospherics Sciences Dept. Turns out that there’s some serious science goin’ on [...]

2023-12-14T02:13:36+00:00Local Flavor, Outdoors|