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So far CanyonBlog has created 45 blog entries.

Surfin’ the Wave at Snowbird

One of the great things about spring skiing in Little Cottonwood is the light, smells, and space that pervades the senses. Because the temps are up, even though the snow is still flying, people find creative ways to enjoy the mountain. The typical example are the snakes that appear at Alta and Snowbird, usually in Ballroom and Shireen (just off the Road to Provo cat track). However, your correspondent’s favorite playground terrain is the ridge that separates Shireen from Mark Malu Fork where the exhibitionists of spring tend to gather to demonstrate their aerial skills and basically have a great [...]

2024-04-05T01:24:24+00:00Local Flavor, Outdoors|

Wrestlemania Revisited

March 7th saw the return of the 6th annual Alta Women’s world championship arm wrestling competition. It was some time since your correspondent attended the event and there were a couple gaps with Covid, but this year’s competition saw the crowds and wrestlers return in force. Alta Community Enrichment, helmed by the ever energetic and capable Lil Sara, hosted the competition at Our Lady of the Snows as always. To ensure a compliant crowd Alta local chalet resident Coe (pronounced Co -E) prowled the ring armed with billy club and cuffs. Canyon Blog tracked down last year’s champion; Sandra D [...]

Secret Weapon Morning Buns

This month your correspondent has elected to share some confidential ski performance information guaranteed to exponentially improve your skiing or boarding regardless of your skill level or conditions on the mountain. Just what could accomplish improvement on such a scale without fail you wonder? The answer is contained in two simple life altering words: morning buns. And just what are these? Canyon Blog wasn’t exactly sure, other than that whenever they’re on offer at Baked and Brewed in Snowbird Plaza he doesn’t pass up the opportunity to secure one. So, in order to answer the question, he sought out Jessica [...]

2024-02-09T01:36:01+00:00Local Flavor|


Your correspondent pens this piece in the aftermath of a top ten ski day here in Little Cottonwood. After a foot of fresh on top of seven more feet of fresh on top of a mountain with no people, January 17th proved to be one of those days where despite how hungry you are you don’t dare stop to eat. Late morning when our valiant ski patrol dropped the rope for Catherine’s it was time to start making laps. Ten laps as it turns out. This is where Canyon Blog would normally insert a few great photos to induce jealousy [...]

2024-01-19T20:30:30+00:00Outdoors, Winter|

Hidden Peak’s hidden purpose

Riding the tram at Snowbird and pouring out onto the summit with your skis in hand and powder turns in mind it’s easy to miss just what’s around us. When you next step through those new doors take a moment and look up before you clear the gates. There, between the tram wheels you’ll see a number of instruments and antennae on top on the west side. To help make sense of some of those items Canyon Blog tracked down Dr. Maria Garcia from the University of Utah’s Atmospherics Sciences Dept. Turns out that there’s some serious science goin’ on [...]

2023-12-14T02:13:36+00:00Local Flavor, Outdoors|

An Interview with Miner Dick Fleue

Canyon Blog sat down with a Little Cottonwood Canyon icon this month to learn a bit about the canyon’s history. Many don’t understand that for the first century of its occupation by the largely European stock who entered Utah in the 19th century LCC was primarily a mining endeavor. Dick Fleue is the last surviving miner to have actively worked in some legendary workings in the canyon including the Flagstaff, Columbus Rexall, Columbus Consolidated, and Wasatch Drain Tunnel. For a time in the late 1950s and early 60s as a teenager and twenty something he explored many others including some [...]

2023-11-25T19:04:37+00:00Interviews, Local Flavor|

Your Annual Oktoberfest Update

Well, the snow’s made its appearance. Here and there and not enough, but then, when is it ever enough? Oh yeah, that’s right, last winter! So, with that thought in mind, allow your correspondent to start there, rather than with all thing beer, bretzel and brat. One of the great joys of staying in Little Cottonwood in one of our premier properties is the easy access to the world outside the festival. Saturday October 7th is a perfect example. To earn his caloric allowance Canyon Blog wandered up slope to take in the views and assess the early snowpack. And [...]

Friends in High Places

Sometimes, when you’re out on the slopes of these mountains, you find yourself in the presence of the true locals, who own them and make their living here. If your mind drifts to Alta or Snowbird lifties or your favorite tram operator you’re off point. Last week, while scrambling up the scree by Shreen run (think Road to Provo if you can’t place it) to police up a few errant ski patrol bamboo poles, Canyon Blog almost literally bumped into one of his favorite locals on the mountain. Porcupine of course. Always retiring, never in a rush, and usually enjoying [...]

2023-09-15T02:27:00+00:00Local Flavor, Outdoors|

Operation Atwood Winze Mine

Canyon Blog spent the first half of August 2023 finalizing a plan three years in the making. Buried 2,000 feet deep within the Bay City Mine tunnel across from the Snowpine Lodge and 200 feet up a 1200 foot winze (non vertical mine shaft) lay an 1880 vintage wooden sided mine car left by the last miners to work that section of the mine. This particular portion of the mine was last actively worked in 1908. The car itself, an extremely rare wooden sided ore and waste rock transport, has the ability to swivel and dump its load in any [...]

2023-08-27T16:32:41+00:00Local Flavor, News|

Snowbird Guides – They’re not just for winter

You’re probably unaware that Snowbird Guides exist. It’s an easy mistake since they’re relatively unknown. And yet, and yet, they hide in plain sight. If you’ve skied the Bird in the past decade you’ve no doubt walked right past their office, which would best be described as located in the most central real estate at Snowbird Center. To correct this oversight, Canyon Blog sat down with Eliza Allen, Snowbird’s Mountain Guides Director, to figure out just why it is that no one knows about the great services they provide. Turns out, it’s a bit mysterious for the ten-year veteran of [...]